Who Is Muddy Waters?

By Jon Beres •  Updated: 11/20/22 •  3 min read •  Articles
Muddy Waters (McKinley Morganfield 1913 – 1983) labeled by many as “the Father of Chicago Blues.”

He was an early adopter of the electric guitar that transformed the sound of the Blues. When I think of Chicago Blues, Muddy Waters is top-of-mind.

Muddy Waters Facts

“The Blues had a baby and they called it Rock and Roll.” ~ Muddy Waters

My Favorite Muddy Waters Songs

If I Could Only Have One Album

Spotlight Album Banner - Muddy Waters - 2022-10-03

My choice would be his 1977 album, ‘Hard Again’.

This was Muddy’s first album after leaving Chess Records and it was his first with Johnny Winter producing. That turned out to be a great collaboration because this album won a Grammy!

The collaboration continued, and two of the next three Muddy albums (produced by Johnny) won Grammys as well.

The album is sometimes referred to as Muddy’s *Come Back* album. And, while Muddy had never really left the music scene, this album had a certain energy and snap to it that both fans and critics remembered from his early work.

It’s a great example of Muddy Waters the artist, and Chicago Blues the genre.

Preview Hard Again

A Small Taste

This is a great video of Muddy performing at Chicago’s Checkerboard Lounge in 1981.

It *just so happens* the Stones were in town and they dropped by. Who knew? (Well someone knew – note the empty seats in the front and the cameras!)

Imagine what it must have been like to be in the audience that night?

What fun!

Thanks for reading!

Jon Beres

I’m one part Blues Fan and one part Digital Native (with a dash of Curmudgeon.) I’m also the publisher of AlltheWayBlue.com. If you love the Blues, I have a feeling we’ll get along just fine - cheers!

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