Jeremiah Johnson – ‘Hi-Fi Drive By’

By Jon Beres •  Updated: 10/22/22 •  2 min read •  Reviews
This is one squared-away album!

Jeremiah Johnson’s made a ten-tune record that hits every spot that needs hitting. I love his guitar work and the horns, backups, & songwriting – it’s all there. I think he crushed it. (Definitely worth a listen.)

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You Don’t Want To Drive By This One

Jeremiah’s guitar work is impressive. Sure, he can shred with the best of them, but he never needs to on this record. He works in subtlety and space much of the time, giving each song just what it needs and no more. The mark of a great musician in my book. In the end, his guitar sings to us as much as his vocals do.

And speaking of vocals. Jeremiah’s a strong, evocative singer who carries the day. But he (and his producers Paul Niehaus IV and Tom Maloney) also know how to use backup vocals to flavor each tune just right. It’s amazing how just the tiniest bit of backup – sometimes just a whisper – can add so much to an arrangement. It’s a technique a lot of artists could benefit from.

The horn work on this album is great too. And were those strings I heard on the last song? This is just a really a well thought out and well engineered record – not a single misstep.

“The vicious cycle of love and pain, hot air balloons in a hurricane. Sailing blind and I’m lost at sea, but damn, what you do to me.” ~Jeremiah Johnson (“Ball And Chain”)

Let’s Not Forget The Songwriting

Jeremiah’s listed as the only writer or a co-writer on every tune. So he had his hand in all of them. Every one is solid and could easily stand on its own as a single. Bravo!

There are hooks galore too, so any Jeremiah Johnson fan will find some new treasure to add to their playlist.

I enjoyed this album quite a bit; one of my favorites this year.

Preview ‘Hi-Fi Drive By’

…You can get ‘Hi-Fi Drive By’ directly from Jeremiah     H E R E!

Thanks for reading!

Jon Beres

I’m one part Blues Fan and one part Digital Native (with a dash of Curmudgeon.) I’m also the publisher of If you love the Blues, I have a feeling we’ll get along just fine - cheers!

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